How to Prepare Your Lawn For the Winter (Guest Post)

How to Prepare Your Lawn For the Winter (Guest Post)

Winter is coming fast. It is time for big holidays, with a great deal of shopping, decoration, cooking, having guests over and a ton of other activities. People spend more time inside their houses, and often times completely forget about their lawn area. It is one thing you should certainly find time for, unless you want to risk an ugly green patch in spring, or even other drastic problems, such as broken pipes and a whole ton of trouble. Preparing the lawn for winter is something you should do in late fall if you want to have a beautiful grass in spring. With heat and dryness are at end, it is time to take some steps in ensuring your grass is just as good next year as it was this summer. So, after you are done with patio cleaning, turn your attention to the lawn, if you want to grow one that is admirable and presentable.

Helpful Spring Tips: Aeration and Dethatching

Helpful Spring Tips: Aeration and Dethatching

Why Dethatching and Aerating Your Lawn is a Good IdeaIt's natural to think that in order to dethatch there must be thatch somewhere. Thatch is simply the built up layer of dead grass clippings that accumulates in your lawn just above the soil. Thatch is actually good for your lawn because it helps provide a barrier to prevent disease and other harmful things that might kill the grass. Thatch also allows the soil to retain moisture by not letting water evaporate too quickly.