Moonlight Gardening: How Lunar Phases Can Influence Your Lawn Care Routine

Key Takeaways

Moonlight gardening offers:
  • Enhanced Plant Growth: Aligning planting with lunar phases can improve seed germination and plant growth.
  • Better Moisture Absorption: The gravitational pull of the moon affects soil moisture, enhancing water uptake during specific phases.
  • Optimized Harvesting Times: Timing harvests with lunar cycles can result in higher yields and better-quality produce.
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If you enjoy gardening, you may have heard of something called moonlight gardening, where gardeners follow the moon's phases. Many have considered this a myth, but there is evidence showing why moonlight gardening is beneficial for gardeners. If you want to improve your gardening routine or learn valuable tips, this may be useful.

There is a lot of science around gardening, especially if you are looking to improve how your plants grow and produce. So, keep reading to find out how the lunar phases can impact your garden and how you can make the most of this.

How Does Moonlight Gardening Work?

The general theory of moonlight gardening is that the moon's cycles impact how plants grow. This makes sense because the moon impacts many aspects of the earth, such as causing the tides to rise and fall. The moon's gravitational pull also affects the moisture that is present in the soil, which has a direct impact on plants.

During the full and new moon, more moisture is pulled to the soil's surface, allowing seeds to reach better germination. The seeds can absorb more water during this time and become more established to grow stronger. Many expert gardeners even believe that certain plants thrive better during certain moon phases.

The beauty of gardening by the moon is that it helps gardeners become more in touch with nature and how plants grow. If you want to expand your knowledge, this is a great way to observe what impacts your plants.

Planting By the Moon's Phases

If this concept is new to you, there is a general way of breaking down moonlight gardening to make it more manageable. When it comes to planting, you should sow your seeds when the moon is new. The moonlight increases at night, encouraging plants to grow healthy leaves and stems to create more robust plants. This is best for annual flowers, fruits, and vegetables that bear crops above the ground.

On the other hand, if you want to plant root or bulb crops, you should do this during the full moon. It is always a good idea to sow these two types of plants at different times since above-ground and below-ground plants require specific things.

Harvesting By the Moon's Phases

Just like how the lunar phases impact planting, they also affect the quality of the plants you harvest. To get the most out of your garden, you must ensure you are harvesting your plants when they peak. If you wait too long or don't wait long enough, you will miss out on some of the best aspects of your harvest.

The waxing moon provides the perfect time for harvesting leafy greens and herbs, but a full moon is the ideal harvest time for root vegetables and different kinds of fruit. If you have plants that need pruning or weeding, the waning moon phase is the perfect time to do this to get the most out of your work.

Benefits of Gardening By the Moon

If you still need convincing about why moonlight gardening is a great option, you should understand some of the main benefits. Here are some results many gardeners have once they start following the moon's phases.

Improved Growth

The moon impacts soil and moisture and, therefore, directly impacts the plants. By following these phases when it comes to planting and harvesting, you can enjoy healthier and faster-growing plants. This is an excellent benefit for gardeners, especially if you have had issues cultivating certain plants.

Moisture Retention

The moon's gravitational pull impacts most sources of water on the earth. It helps to pull moisture closer to the surface of the soil, helping your plants and seeds to stay hydrated. This improves moisture retention, especially for newly planted seeds that need to begin germination.

Weed Control

One of the biggest jobs any gardener has is controlling weeds so that their plants can grow to be healthy and flourishing. The moon's phases help plants to grow faster and become established before weeds can take seed. 

Fewer Pests

Believe it or not, the moon's phases can also help you control those bothersome pests in your garden. Not much is known about why this is, but many gardeners have sworn by it.

Moon Gardening Tips

Now that you know why gardening by the moon's phases is a good idea, there are a few valuable tips you should know. One tip is to outsource some of your work so that you can focus more on your garden. One way to do this is to hire lawn care services for fertilization, irrigation, and sprinkler installation. This helps you free up your schedule to focus more on sowing and harvesting.

Another tip is to utilize a lunar calendar or lunar gardening tools that help you track the moon's phases. This takes the guesswork out of moonlight gardening and ensures you don't miss important dates. Using other holistic and natural gardening approaches to encourage healthier soil and plants is also a good idea.


Whether you are a beginner or an expert gardener, moonlight gardening can be an excellent option for you to try out. This provides benefits such as stronger and healthier plants, better moisture retention, and fewer pests. It also provides a good routine for planting and harvesting different kinds of fruits and vegetables.
If you want to take better care of your lawn and garden, you may need professional lawn care services. Contact us today at Cory's Lawn service to get a free quote!